Hilyat ul- Awliya wa Tabaqat-ul-Asfiya (The Adornment of the Saints and the Ranks of the Spiritual Elite) is a biographical encyclopedic book by Shaykh Abu Nuaym Ahmad al-Isphahani. It provides with glimpses in to the lives of more than 200 awliya (saints) of this ummah in the first three centuries.
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Hilyat ul- Awliya wa Tabaqat-ul-Asfiya (The Adornment of the Saints and the Ranks of the Spiritual Elite) is a biographical encyclopedic book by Shaykh Abu Nuaym Ahmad al-Isphahani. It provides with glimpses in to the lives of more than 200 awliya (saints) of this ummah in the first three centuries.
Hayatul Awliya wa Tabaqaatul Asfiya (The Adornment of the Saints and the Ranks of the Spiritual Elite) written by Shaykh Abu Nuaym Ahmad Isfahani (r.a.) this book provides with glimpses in to the lives of more than 200 awliya (saints) of this ummah in the first three centuries. Translated By Shaykh Muhammad Asghar Mughal. 2ff7e9595c